SoulTech™ was conceived at the peak of our civilization, sometime in 1999, in New York City. SoulTech™ is not advertising. It has been a key component of my artistic and critical work ever since. There was a supply chain issue, but we’re back in production. Patents pending. All rights reserved. You will be persecuted and prosecuted and sued into oblivion should you impinge upon our intellectual property rights.

Delusional Self Ap/Pre–Perception Module© 2024

Impossible Logics© and Impossible Logic Linker© (I.L.L.) 2024

Work/Life Balance Mobile©, circa 2001

Multicultural Cultural Product Production Pipeline©, circa 1999

Jada Pinkett Fence, Stalemate Generator©, Malcolm X poster, circa 2000

The “cocktail napkin” drawing that started it all, circa 2000. The vision of designing directly psychological products to protect demand for commodities and commoditized experiences came to self-consciousness here, though it had been brewing for at least a year before. I repeat: SoulTech™ is not advertising.

Movable City Pieces©, circa 1999. This is early work, marred by a simpleminded naïveté. I was attempting to resolve the contradiction between the financial flows that create actual urban geography and the desire for dense networks of opportunity for community and experience among the working population. Silly. It is much better for people to adapt to the flows of capital, even through their hearts, minds, and souls.

Robot Girl©, circa 1999. First attempt at the design of a sex-slave robot girl, useful for such commoditized experiences as loveless sexual intercourse. Our learnings here were discouraging; actual human girls were cheaper. The project has been shelved ever since.

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